Articles | Volume 42, issue 2
30 Jun 1987
 | 30 Jun 1987

Neue Hypothesen zur Bodenbildung auf Quartärablagerungen der Nordostschweiz

P. Fitze

Abstract. Our investigations on soils of the northeastern part of Switzerland lead to the foUowing conclusions:
1) Quaternary soils of different age can generally be separated by using the pH-values of the B-honzon. The validity of this method is restricted to topographic positions where there have been neither accumulation- nor erosion-processes.
2) There seem to be more textural inhomogeneities of the parent-material than previously supposed. Thus, soil development is often misinterpreted.
3) Special attention must be drawn to soil erosion on gravelly matenal. Otherwise, agricultural use of these soils can lead to irreparable damage within a Short time because the weathering rate in gravels is low. In contrast, soil erosion in forested areas may lead to a slight amelioration as these soils are strongly acid and thus have a very low base-saturation.
