Articles | Volume 64, issue 1
31 Mar 2009
 | 31 Mar 2009

Public spaces and social diversity : editorial to the special issue

E. Bühler

Abstract. There is little agreement as to the precise meaning of public space in the scientific debate see Staeheli & Mitchell 2007). The Babylonian confusion surround ing this concept Selle 2008) stems from at least three causes: First, there is no clear distinction between the terms public space and public sphere. Second, public space is a normatively loaded term Belina 2005), which in research not seldom clouds analytical vision of the construction processes of public spaces. And third, there is currently no consensus on the direction of the changing function of public spaces. In the fol lowing, a closer look is taken at these three aspects. The contributions in this special issue are then intro duced and positioned within the context of the discus sion.
