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Articles | Volume 71, issue 1
Standard article
23 Feb 2016
Standard article |  | 23 Feb 2016

Raumverträglicher Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien – ein alternativer Standortplanungsansatz für eine nachhaltige Energiewende

Stephan Bosch, Joachim Rathmann, and Florian Simetsreiter

Abstract. By now, there are numerous high-quality studies discussing the incompatibility of the development of renewable energies with the preservation of landscape. However, no further insight is provided as to how a holistic spatial integration of renewable energies may be achieved. Yet the ambitious aim of Germany's government of increasing the percentage of energy obtained from renewable energies to 45 % by 2025 and to 60 % by 2035 will lead to an even greater spatial strain on Germany's rural areas as it has been the case so far. Therefore, this study aims to critically investigate the currently established paradigm of site planning for renewable energies using GIS analysis. Based upon the findings, an alternative, holistic concept of site planning will be developed and exemplified.

Short summary
By now, there are numerous high-quality studies discussing the incompatibility of the...