Articles | Volume 71, issue 4
Theme issue overview
08 Dec 2016
Theme issue overview |  | 08 Dec 2016

Editorial: Geographie als Geisteswissenschaft – Geographie in den Geisteswissenschaften

Benedikt Korf and Julia Verne

Abstract. This editorial provides the intellectual background for a themed issue that argues for a (re)consideration of human geography as a "Geisteswissenschaft". Engaging with the question of how a geography anchored in the arts and humantities might look like today, it tries to unsettle the kind of "theory-driven", post-structuralist research that has come to dominate human geography following the "cultural turn". In proposing a more thorough engagement with the potential of intrepretative, hermeneutic and phenomenological approaches, we conceptualise a "geisteswissenschaftliche" human geography as a much-needed irritation of the social scientific mainstream.