Articles | Volume 35, issue 3
30 Sep 1980
 | 30 Sep 1980

Bodenentwicklung im Hochgebirge : ein Beispiel vom Vorfeld des Steingletschers in der Schweiz

O. Heikkinen and P. Fogelberg

Abstract. Soil development in high mountains: an example from the Steingletscher foreland, Switzerland. Three soil profiles on moraines of different age were studied, and chemical analyses were made. The oldest soil (age 10 000 years) an iron-humus podzol, showed distinct horizons, the second one (age 300-350 years) showed signs of beginning podzol formation; tendencies to horizons could be seen from the chemical analyses but hardly by the eye. The youngest profile (age 120-130 years) was still an undeveloped raw soil, and not even the chemical analyses showed any differentiation.
