Articles | Volume 42, issue 1
31 Mar 1987
 | 31 Mar 1987

Klimaschwankungen und Grosswetterlagen in Mitteleuropa seit 1881

J. Grabau

Abstract. The present paper is an attempt to contribute to the research of historical climatology of Central Europe. The representation and working out of the spatial and temporal differentiation of the secular variations in temperature occurring in Central Europe in the last one hundred or two hundred years were to the fore of the study. By means of the Gaussian low-pass filtering method the mean air temperatures for months, years and seasons have been calculated and graphically represented for 42 stations. The analysis of the climatic eiement showed extensive variations.The variations in climate which have occurred are primarily caused, as has been proved, by changes in the general weather Situation of Central Europe. Frequency counts of the general weather situations for seasons and years in the period from 1881 to 1982 conveyed a very differentiated picture of the variations of the circulation structure above Europe during this Observation period. Furthermore the study was to clarify the question to what degree the observed circulation variations would explain the secular march of temperature. First it was necessary to relate frequencies of the general weather situations and general weather types to the annual and seasonal temperatures and thus to make clear the regional effects of the different weather situations on the temperature circumstances.Thus the main tendencies in the secular march of temperature could be connected with the frequency variations of certain general weather situations and general weather types respectively, and the variations in climate could be explained by changed circulation conditions.
