Articles | Volume 54, issue 4
31 Dec 1999
 | 31 Dec 1999

"Image" as an instrument of urban management

A. Kampschulte

Abstract. Globalization and competition between cities require a new kind of planning policy. An urban development policy, which promotes a city's attractiveness for visitors and local enterprises as well as for residents is necessary in order to profitably seil the product «city». Therefore, urban marketing is not only a public relations campaign to attract tourists and investors, but a market oriented urban development policy. This should take into account the interests and needs of all of the city's customers. All target groups should take an active part in a common vision of the future development of Basle. Regarding this, the image analysis identifies a need for action. In the perception of many people Basle lacks a clear profile. Important image factors show weaknesses, and group-specific needs are partly neglected. Especially the identification with the city and a target-oriented marketing of specific attractions should be specifically promoted.
