Articles | Volume 72, issue 3
13 Jul 2017
Intervention |  | 13 Jul 2017

Gestimmte Denkräume. Anmerkungen zu Jürgen Hasses „Was Räume mit uns machen – und wir mit ihnen“ (2014)

Simon Runkel

Abstract. Based on a reading of the book Was Räume mit uns machen – und wir mit ihnen. Kritische Phänomenologie des Raumes by Jürgen Hasse (2014), the article discusses the noteworthy role of phenomenology within German-speaking human geography. The phenomenological work by Hasse and his close referring to the philosophy of H. Schmitz will be discussed in the context of the sociology of knowledge and the history of the discipline. In conclusion, the article pleas for a phenomenologically grounded discussion of the spatialities of feelings against the backdrop of the current resurgence of politics of feelings.

Short summary
Based on a reading of the book „Was Räume mit uns machen – und wir mit ihnen. Kritische Phänomenologie des Raumes“ by J. Hasse (2014), the article discusses the noteworthy role of phenomenology within German-speaking human geography. The phenomenological work by Hasse and his close referring to the philosophy of H. Schmitz will be discussed in the context of the sociology of knowledge and the history of the discipline.