Articles | Volume 73, issue 1
Standard article
16 Mar 2018
Standard article |  | 16 Mar 2018

Pendeln zwischen zwei Oberzentren – von verlorener bis geschenkter Zeit

Martina Roggendorf and Claus-C. Wiegandt

Abstract. The importance of commuting especially between large urban centers has become a major topic as a growing number of people cover increasing distances to reach their workplaces. Based on this approach, the article looks into commuting between the cities of Cologne and Bonn. Social ties to these centers were identified as a main cause for commuting. 20 interviews were analyzed to set up five social types of commuters who have very different perceptions of their daily commute: For the “stressed out” commuting means psychological distress, for the “unsatisfied” it is a disruptive factor while the “pragmatics” accept it as means to an end. The “opportunists” try to use the time of commuting in the most efficient way and for the “profiteers” it's even a valuable time-out in their daily routine. Besides aspects as duration and transportation mode, especially personal attitudes and qualities proved to be important.

Short summary
The importance of commuting especially between large urban centers has become a major topic as a growing number of people cover increasing distances to reach their workplaces. Based on this approach, the article looks into commuting between the cities of Cologne and Bonn. Social ties to these centers were identified as a main cause for commuting. 20 interviews were analyzed to set up five social types of commuters who have very different perceptions of their daily commute.