Articles | Volume 79, issue 3
Forum contribution
15 Aug 2024
Forum contribution |  | 15 Aug 2024

Ghosts, ruins, monsters: urban geography in times of crisis

Monika Streule

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Cited articles

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Amin, A.: The Good City, Urban Stud., 43, 1009–1023,, 2006. 
Autor*innenkollektiv Terra-R: Intervention – “For a non-exceptional spatial theory of far-right mobilization”, Antipode, accepted, 2024. 
Bechert, L., Dodo, and Kartal, S.: Kolonialismus & Klimakrise. Über 500 Jahre Widerstand, edited by: Jugend im Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, (last access: 31 July 2024), 2021. 
Short summary
In this paper, I introduce urban extractivism as a decentred concept that is helpful to study urban infrastructure megaprojects (monsters) in Mexico City that extract life from bodies (the ghosts) and territories (the ruins). I also provide a special focus on collaborative research practices critical to reframing urban theory. Engaging with such a socio-territorial approach, I conclude, helps urban geographers discern future-oriented practices that embrace social and environmental justice.