Articles | Volume 79, issue 3
Forum contribution
15 Aug 2024
Forum contribution |  | 15 Aug 2024

The (im)possibilities of critical urban scholarship in plausibly genocidal times

Laura Nkula-Wenz and Maren Larsen

Cited articles

Alfonseca, K.: Harvard will no longer comment on public matters unrelated to `core function', abc News, (last access: 8 June 2024), 2024. 
Bandle, R.: Fanatismus an Schweizer Universitäten: Basler Forscher behauptet, Israel greife Palästina mit Wildschweinen an, SonntagsZeitung, 11 November 2023, (last access: 23 July 2024), 2023a. 
Bandle, R.: Anti-Israel-Ideologie an der Uni Basel, SonntagsZeitung, 25 November 2023, (last access: 24 July 2024), 2023b. 
Bandle, R.: Nun kommt auch der Dekan unter Druck, SonntagsZeitung, 2 Decermber 2023, (last access: 23 July 2024), 2023c. 
Short summary
This interface contribution reflects on the aftermath of a concerted national media campaign that targeted the Urban Studies unit at the University of Basel in November 2023. It shows how the advancement of the media's storylines by university leadership not only undermined critical urban scholarship and socially engaged pedagogy but also paralleled attacks against other critical theories elsewhere, which are reframed as divisive concepts.