Articles | Volume 79, issue 3
Book review
13 Sep 2024
Book review |  | 13 Sep 2024

Book review: The Pulse of the Earth: Political Geology in Java

Rony Emmenegger

Cited articles

Bjornerud, M.: Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, ISBN 9780691181202, 2018. 
Bobbette, A. and Donovan, A.: Political Geology: Active Stratigraphies and the Making of Life, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, ISBN 3319981889, 2019. 
Bobbette, A.: Geopoetics, Environmental Humanities, 15, 235–250, 2023. 
De la Cadena, M.: Earth Beings: Ecologies of Practice across Andean Worlds, Duke University Press, Durham,, 2015. 
Emmenegger, R.: Unsettling Sovereignty: Violence, Myths and the Politics of History in the Ethiopian Somali Metropolis, Polit. Geogr. 90, 1–11, 2021.