Articles | Volume 38, issue 1
31 Mar 1983
 | 31 Mar 1983

Kokospalme und Brotfruchtbaum : Siedlungs-Vorstellungen der Sawos und Kwanga, Sepik-Gebiet, Papua-Neuguinea

M. Schindlbeck

Abstract. In this paper I analyse the concepts about settlement of two cultures in the Sepik region of Papua New Guinea. These concepts include ideas of space orientation. Further points of the analysis are: the founding of villages, settlement patterns, ceremonial ground, symbolic expressions for their villages and rituals for village strength and unity. Among the Sawos we have the comparison between village and house, the founding of a village is compared to the building of a house. The first settlers of a village who are called the «coconut people» are of great importance for the settlement. The ceremonial ground contains symbolically cultural elements which are the centre of the village. The Sawos speak of their village as a female being. The Kwanga and the Sawos have as symbol for their village the coconut palm. Among the Kwanga the breadfruit-tree is associated with settlement and human birth.
