Articles | Volume 68, issue 4
Standard article
16 Dec 2013
Standard article |  | 16 Dec 2013

Implications of climate change on Glacier de la Plaine Morte, Switzerland

M. Huss, A. Voinesco, and M. Hoelzle

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A minimal machine-learning glacier mass balance model
Marijn van der Meer, Harry Zekollari, Matthias Huss, Jordi Bolibar, Kamilla Hauknes Sjursen, and Daniel Farinotti
The Cryosphere, 19, 805–826,,, 2025
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Modelling runoff in a glacierized catchment: the role of forcing product and spatial model resolution
Alexandra von der Esch, Matthias Huss, Marit van Tiel, Justine Berg, and Daniel Farinotti
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS).
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Ice thickness and bed topography of Jostedalsbreen ice cap, Norway
Mette K. Gillespie, Liss M. Andreassen, Matthias Huss, Simon de Villiers, Kamilla H. Sjursen, Jostein Aasen, Jostein Bakke, Jan M. Cederstrøm, Hallgeir Elvehøy, Bjarne Kjøllmoen, Even Loe, Marte Meland, Kjetil Melvold, Sigurd D. Nerhus, Torgeir O. Røthe, Eivind W. N. Støren, Kåre Øst, and Jacob C. Yde
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 5799–5825,,, 2024
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Twenty-first century global glacier evolution under CMIP6 scenarios and the role of glacier-specific observations
Harry Zekollari, Matthias Huss, Lilian Schuster, Fabien Maussion, David R. Rounce, Rodrigo Aguayo, Nicolas Champollion, Loris Compagno, Romain Hugonnet, Ben Marzeion, Seyedhamidreza Mojtabavi, and Daniel Farinotti
The Cryosphere, 18, 5045–5066,,, 2024
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Annual mass changes for each glacier in the world from 1976 to 2023
Ines Dussaillant, Romain Hugonnet, Matthias Huss, Etienne Berthier, Jacqueline Bannwart, Frank Paul, and Michael Zemp
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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The 1513 Monte Crenone rock avalanche: numerical model and geomorphological analysis
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Cited articles

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