Articles | Volume 70, issue 2
Standard article
15 Jun 2015
Standard article |  | 15 Jun 2015

The use of a raindrop aggregate destruction device to evaluate sediment and soil organic carbon transport

L. Xiao, Y. Hu, P. Greenwood, and N. J. Kuhn

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Earth Surf. Dynam. Discuss.,,, 2023
Revised manuscript under review for ESurf
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The potential of fragipans in sustaining pearl millet during drought periods in north-central Namibia
Brice Prudat, Wolfgang Fister, Lena Bloemertz, Juliane Krenz, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn
Geogr. Helv., 77, 39–51,,, 2022
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Assessing hillslope sediment generation potential by tree throw: a preliminary field study along a small river valley in the Jura Mountains, northwest Switzerland
Philip Greenwood, Jan Bauer, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn
Geogr. Helv., 76, 319–333,,, 2021
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Evaluating the carbon sequestration potential of volcanic soils in southern Iceland after birch afforestation
Matthias Hunziker, Olafur Arnalds, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn
SOIL, 5, 223–238,,, 2019
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Testing of photogrammetry for differentiation of soil organic carbon and biochar in sandy substrates
Wolfgang Fister, Nina Goldman, Marius Mayer, Manuel Suter, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn
Geogr. Helv., 74, 81–91,,, 2019

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The potential of fragipans in sustaining pearl millet during drought periods in north-central Namibia
Brice Prudat, Wolfgang Fister, Lena Bloemertz, Juliane Krenz, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn
Geogr. Helv., 77, 39–51,,, 2022
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The 1513 Monte Crenone rock avalanche: numerical model and geomorphological analysis
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Cited articles

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