Articles | Volume 72, issue 3
Standard article
24 Jul 2017
Standard article |  | 24 Jul 2017

Rescaling Energy? Räumliche Neuordnungen in der deutschen Energiewende

Sören Becker and Matthias Naumann

Abstract. The German energy transition is not only characterized by wide technological changes but also by spatial restructuring. The decentralization of energy supply potentially increases the importance of the regional or local scale. The Anglo-American debate on the Politics of Scale addresses the production and transformation of scale while energy issues have not yet been systematically addressed. This paper combines the theoretical paradigms of scale, rescaling and scalar strategies with empirical examples from the German energy transition. Using the cases of energy regions, remunicipalizations and social movements, the implications of the German energy transition are analyzed regarding the role of scale. The paper argues that the perspective of the Politics of Scale can contribute not only to a better understanding of the different dimensions of energy transitions but also to critical energy geographies in general.