Articles | Volume 70, issue 1
Standard article
23 Feb 2015
Standard article |  | 23 Feb 2015

The influence of terracettes on the surface hydrology of steep-sloping and subalpine environments: some preliminary findings

P. Greenwood, S. Kuonen, W. Fister, and N. J. Kuhn

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Cited articles

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Bielecki, A. E. and Mueller, K. J.: Origin of terraced hillslopes on active folds in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California, Geomorphology, 42, 131–152, 2002.
Short summary
Alpine and mountain slopes represent important pathways that link high-altitude grazing areas to meadows and rangelands at lower elevations. Given the acute gradients associated with such environments, we hypothesize that terracettes act as efficient runoff conveyance routes that facilitate the movement of runoff and associated material during erosion events. This hypothesis was partially disproved during a series of rainfall/runoff simulations on a well-developed terracette system, however.