Articles | Volume 71, issue 3
Standard article
15 Sep 2016
Standard article |  | 15 Sep 2016

Carpe noctem: Forschen auf dem Strich – Reflexion ethischer und methodologischer Hürden

Sascha Finger

Abstract. This article highlights the ethical and methodological approaches towards analysing a spatial and social taboo phenomenon, such as prostitution in public spaces by the Hungarian Romnija sex-workers. The empirical fieldwork for this research took place between 2010 and 2012 in Switzerland and Hungary. During this period, the street prostitution sector of Zurich was dominated by Hungarian sex-workers. Remarkably, since 2006, the same women have traversed the gap between north-eastern Hungary and Switzerland for the purpose of prostitution. Transnational mobility and sex-work became their coping strategy to overcome social marginalization. Through this, these women not only influence their family structures back home in Hungary, but also shape the spaces they use all across over Europe. Gaining direct access to the people involved is indispensable to analyse a societal phenomenon such as this, despite challenges involved therein regarding access to the places of action. This article will provide insights with excerpts of the research diary as to how to overcome certain ethical and methodological obstacles while doing empirical research with sex-workers on the street.

Short summary
Wie sollen gesellschaftlich stigmatisierte und ausgegrenzte Personen in ihren Aktionsräumen erforscht werden ohne sie weiter zu diskriminieren? Dieser Artikel schaut auf die ethischen und methodologischen Hürden, die bei einer qualitativen Feldforschung auf dem Straßenstrich auftreten. Essentiell ist der Zugang zu den Akteurinnen, ohne den es keine Informationen gibt. Doch die Größe ihres Aktionsradius (ganz Europa) ist dabei genauso hinderlich wie die Stigmatisierung ihrer Aktionsräume.