Articles | Volume 70, issue 2
Standard article
08 Apr 2015
Standard article |  | 08 Apr 2015

Politische Geographien des Religiösen – Ambivalenzen der Verkopplung von Religion und Raum im Fall Tibet

P. Reuber

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Cited articles

Agnew, J.: Religion and Geopolitics, Geopolitics, 11, 183–191, 2006.
Anderson, B.: Imagined communities. Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism, London, 1983.
Bishop, P.: The Myth of Shangri-la: Tibet, Travel Writing and the Western Creation of Sacred Landscape, Berkeley, 1989.
Becker, J.: Coverage of the Tibet crisis (March 2008) and the Olympic Games in China (August 2008) in the German-language mass media, The International Communication Gazette, 73, 495–506, 2011.
Brauen, M. (Hrsg.): Die Dalai Lamas: Tibets Reinkarnationen des Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, Stuttgart, 2005.
Short summary
“Religious spaces” can become a powerful nucleus of (geo-) political imaginations, identities, and conflicts. The paper outlines this aspect using the example of Tibet. It does however not primarily discuss the quite well known antagonistic constructions of pro-Chinese and pro-Tibetan geopolitical discourses. Rather, it addresses the differences in the production of religious spaces and identities within Tibetan society and their consequences for the development of a Tibetan national identity.