Articles | Volume 68, issue 1
30 May 2013
Intervention |  | 30 May 2013

The reflexive turn in French and German-speaking geography in comparison

O. Graefe

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Shifting values at the cemetery – the artistic interventions of DeathLab
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Cited articles

Belina, B., Best, U., and Naumann, M.: Critical geography in Germany: from exclusion to inclusion via internationalisation, Soc. Geogr., 4, 47–58,, 2009.
Bourdieu, P.: Homo Academicus, Les editions de Minuit, Paris, France, 1984.
Claval, P.: Causalité et géographie, L'Harmattan, Paris, France, 2003.
Claval P.: Epistémologie de la géographie, Armand Colin, Paris, France, 2007.
Colliot-Thélène, C., François, E., and Gebauer, G. (Eds.): Pierre Bourdieu: deutsch-französische Perspektiven, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, Germany, 2005.