Articles | Volume 69, issue 5
Theme issue overview
22 Dec 2014
Theme issue overview |  | 22 Dec 2014

Introduction: Criminality and carcerality across boundaries

J. Turner

Related subject area

Human Geography
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Die räumliche Produktion von Alternsbildern durch Smart-Home-Technologien
Marlene Hobbs and Linda Pasch
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Material agency in art installations: exploring the interplay of art, space, and materials in Detroit
Nora Mariella Küttel
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Au centre est l'État-nation. Le Monde vu par des étudiants du Kazakhstan
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Von Stadt, Land, Fluss zur Nachhaltigkeitskunde: (Irr-)Wege der Ausgestaltung des Fachwissens in den Berliner Geographielehrplänen der letzten drei Jahrzehnte
Péter Bagoly-Simó
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Cited articles

Baer, L. D. and Ravneberg, B.: The outside and inside in Norwegian and English prisons, Geogr. Ann. B., 2, 205–216, 2008.
Bonds, A.: Economic development, racialization, and privilege: "Yes in my backyard" prison politics and the reinvention of Madras, Oregon, Ann. Assoc, Am. Geogr., 101, 1389–1405, 2013.
Conlon, D. and Gill, N.: Gagging orders: asylum seekers and paradoxes of freedom and protest in liberal society, Citizenship Studies, 17, 241–259, 2013.
Gill, N.: Governmental mobility: The power effects of the movement of detained asylum seekers around Britain's detention estate, Polit. Geogr., 28, 186–196, 2009.
Gilmore, R. W.: Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surpluses, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California, University of California Press, London, 2007.