Articles | Volume 70, issue 3
Forum contribution
27 Aug 2015
Forum contribution |  | 27 Aug 2015

Betraying the own-most: Heidegger and pitfalls of being-there

M. Joronen and R. Imre

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Cited articles

Arendt, H.: Martin Heidegger at 80, The New York Review of Books, 17, 50–54, 1971.
Babich, B.: Heidegger's Black Night: The Nachlass & its Wirkungsgeschichte, in: Reading Heidegger's Black Notebooks 1931–1941, edited by: Farin, I. and Malpas, J., MIT Press, Cambridge, forthcoming, 2016.
Dastur, F.: Phenomenology of the Event: Waiting and Surprise, Hypatia, 15, 178–189, 2000.
Derrida, J.: Of Spirit: Heidegger and the Question, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1991.
Di Cesare, D.: Heidegger – "Jews Self-destructed". New Black Notebooks reveal philosopher's shocking take on Shoah,, last access: 27 May 2015.