Articles | Volume 70, issue 4
Standard article
08 Oct 2015
Standard article |  | 08 Oct 2015

Power and space in the drone age: a literature review and politico-geographical research agenda

F. Klauser and S. Pedrozo

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Cited articles

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Adey, P., Whitehead, M., and Williams, A. J.: Introduction: Air-target: Distance, reach and the politics of verticality, Theor. Cult. Soc., 28, 173–187, 2011.
Adey, P., Whitehead, M., and Williams, A. J.: From Above: War, Violence, and Verticality, Hurst Publishers, London, 2013.
Allen, J.: Lost Geographies of Power, Blackwell, Oxford, 2003.
Asencio, M.: L'utilisation civile des drones: Problèmes techniques, opérationnels et juridiques, Sécurité Globale, 109–118, 2008.
Short summary
The paper outlines a politico-geographical research agenda for the investigation of the making, functioning and implications of drone systems. Such an agenda, it is claimed, could afford deepened insight into the driving forces that are behind current drone developments, would show how drones work in different institutional contexts, and could highlight how drones impact on the envisioned reality.