Articles | Volume 71, issue 2
Standard article
27 May 2016
Standard article |  | 27 May 2016

Watching the watchmen: resisting drones and the "protester panopticon"

Neil J. Waghorn

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Cited articles

Aldworth, N.: Metropolitan Police – Oral Evidence (QQ 162-175), EU Sub Committee B On The Civil Use Of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), available at:, (last access: July 2015), 2014.
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Short summary
Protester operated drones are beginning to appear in the skies above protests, offering protesters new ways to watch the police. Previous work on resisting surveillance has focused upon resisting surveillance by state authorities, such as the police. This article, however, reverses this arrangement and explores the ways in which the police can attempt to resist surveillance by protesters. It explores legislation, physical and electronic efforts to minimise the effects of the gaze of the drone.