Articles | Volume 73, issue 1
Standard article
14 Feb 2018
Standard article |  | 14 Feb 2018

Vidéosurveillance et insécurités urbaines : Etude de l'efficacité préventive du dispositif de caméras installé au quartier des Pâquis à Genève

Raoul Kaenzig and Francisco Klauser

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Cited articles

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Armitage, R. : To CCTV or not to CCTV. A Review of Current Research into the Effectiveness of CCTV Systems in Reducing Crime, National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders, London, 2002. 
Bowers, K. J. et Johnson, S. D. : Measuring the geographical displacement and diffusion of benefit effects of crime prevention activity, J. Quant. Criminol., 19, 275–301, 2003. 
Brown, B. : CCTV in Town Centres : Three Case Studies, Home Office, London, 1995. 
Carli, V. : La vidéosurveillance est-elle un outil de sécurité et de gestion efficace pour lutter contre la criminalité, faire baisser le taux de criminalité et renforcer le sentiment de sécurité ?, Rapport de recherche, Centre international pour la prévention de la criminalité, Montréal, 2009. 
Short summary
Drawing upon police statistics, this paper explores the impacts of the videosurveillance cameras (CCTV) installed in November 2014 in the Pâquis neighborhood in Geneva. It focuses on the evolution of criminality within the filmed perimeter and nearby settings. In line with former studies, our results underline the limited preventive effects of the CCTV system. The analysis shows that cameras are inducing criminality displacement, mainly of drug trafficking.