Articles | Volume 74, issue 1
Forum contribution
26 Mar 2019
Forum contribution |  | 26 Mar 2019

“Not all spaces are territories”: creating other possible urban worlds in and from Latin America – an interview with Raúl Zibechi

Monika Streule and Anke Schwarz

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Cited articles

Fanon, F.: Peau noire, masques blancs, Paris: Les Éditions du Seuil, 1952. 
Fernandes, B. M.: Territorios: teoría y disputas por el desarrollo rural, Novedades en Población, 17, 116–133, 2013. 
Grosfoguel, R.: Del `extractivismo económico' al `extractivismo epistémico' y al `extractivismo ontológico': Una forma destructiva de conocer, ser y estar en el mundo, Tabula Rasa, 24, 123–143, 2016. 
Lefebvre, H.: La production de l'espace, Paris: Éditions Anthropos, 1974. 
Porto Gonçalves, C. W.: Geo-grafias. Movimientos sociales, nuevas territorialidades y sustentabilidad, Siglo XXI, México, 2001. 
Short summary
In our interview with the Uruguayan researcher, journalist, and activist Raúl Zibechi, we discuss current socioterritorial movements in Latin America and beyond, the emergence of new subjects through practices of territorialization, and links between extractive geographies and the urban context. The interview is part of the theme issue "Contested Urban Territories: Decolonized Perspectives", wherein we examine how a relational notion of territory opens up new grounds for critical urban research.