Articles | Volume 77, issue 3
04 Jul 2022
Intervention |  | 04 Jul 2022

Abolitionistische Impulse für eine Sozialgeographie institutioneller Räume

Nadine Marquardt

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Cited articles

Alexander, M.: The New Jim Crow. Masseninhaftierung und Rassismus in den USA, Kunstmann, München, ISBN 978-3956141287, 2016. 
Allspach, A.: Landscapes of (neo-)liberal control: The transcarceral spaces of federally sentenced women in Canada, Gend. Place Cult., 17, 705–723, 2010. 
Annamma, S. A.: The pedagogy of pathologization: Dis/abled girls of color in the school-prison nexus, Routledge, New York, ISBN 978-1138696907, 2017. 
Belina, B.: Der Alltag der Anderen: Racial Profiling in Deutschland?, in: Sicherer Alltag? Politiken und Mechanismen der Sicherheitskonstruktion im Alltag, edited by: Dollinger, B. und Schmidt-Semisch, H., Springer, Wiesbaden, 125–146, ISBN 978-3658072674, 2016. 
Belina, B. and Keitzel, S.: Racial Profiling, Kriminol. J., 50, 18–24, 2018. 
Short summary
This intervention argues for a German carceral geography that takes the framework of abolition seriously to develop a deeper understanding and critique of the exercise of power in institutional spaces. My claim is that we need to adapt abolition as a theoretical perspective and form of knowledge that allows us to expand the analysis of carceral practices and rationalities beyond imprisonment to include other institutional spaces of racialising, classing and disabling marginalisation.