Articles | Volume 75, issue 4
Standard article
14 Oct 2020
Standard article |  | 14 Oct 2020

Räume des Experimentierens: Die Einführung von Sprühdrohnen in der digitalen Landwirtschaft

Dennis Pauschinger and Francisco Klauser

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Cited articles

Akrich, M. and Méadel, C.: Anthropologie de la Télésurveillance en Milieu Privé, Pirvilles-CNRS and Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Sécurité Intérieure, Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation, Paris, 1999. 
BAZL: Innovativer Ansatz für die Bewilligung von Sprühflügen, Medienmitteilung, Bern, 2020. 
Bear, C. and Holloway, L.: Beyond resistance: Geographies of divergent more-than-human conduct in robotic milking, Geoforum, 104, 212–221,, 2019. 
Bertschi, M.: Possibilité d'utilisation du Smart Farming dans l'agriculture Suisse, in: Präsentation an der Nationale Ackerbautagung, Chancen der Digitlaisierung der Landwirtschaft, 30–31 Januar 2018, Löwenbergzentrum, Murten, 2018. 
Bolman, B.: A revolution in agricultural affairs: Droneculture, precision, capital, in: The Good Drone, edited by: Sandvik, K. B. and Jumbert, M. G., Routledge, London, 129–159, 2016. 
Short summary
This article investigates how new digital technologies are established in agriculture. It draws upon empirical data from a qualitative case study with a Swiss based but internationally operating start-up that has recently obtained the first authorisation to spray crop protection products on vineyards with their home-made drone. The authors show that there has been a joint-effort between the private company and federal institutions to experiment, improve and regulate the functioning of the drone.