Articles | Volume 73, issue 2
07 May 2018
Intervention |  | 07 May 2018

„Wir sind nie säkular gewesen“: Politische Theologie und die Geographien des Religiösen

Benedikt Korf

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Cited articles

Adorno, T. W.: Vorlesungen über Negative Dialektik: Fragmente zur Vorlesung 1965/66, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. Main, 2007. 
Amesbury, R.: Secularity, Religion, and the Spatialization of Time, J. Am. Acad. Relig., in press,, 2018. 
Asad, T.: Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity, Stanford University Press, Stanford CA, 2003. 
Assmann, J.: Politische Theologie zwischen Ägypten und Israel, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, München, 1992 (2006). 
Assmann, J.: Herrschaft und Heil: Politische Theologie in Ägypten, Israel und Europa, Hanser, München, 2000. 
Short summary
I critically interrogate the usefulness of the terminology of „post-secularism“ to understand the entanglement of religion and politics in multi-religious societies in the West and elsewhere. I suggest that the vocabulary of a descriptive political theology is better suited to study these dynamics and apply this conceptual vocabulary to analyse political-normative debates on Indian secularism and the everyday struggles of religious actors in the violent politics of Sri Lanka's civil war.