Articles | Volume 78, issue 2
Special issue:
Standard article
04 May 2023
Standard article |  | 04 May 2023

„Just human“ – Eine phänomenologische und philosophisch-anthropologische Perspektive auf unser leibliches Mensch-Umwelt-Verhältnis

Thomas Dörfler and Eberhard Rothfuß

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Cited articles

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Bastian, M., Jones, O., Moore, N., and Row, E. (Eds.): Participatory Research in More-Than-Human Worlds, Routledge, London,, 2017. 
Bataille, G.: Das theoretische Werk I: Die Aufhebung der Ökonomie (der Begriff der Verausgabung – Der verfemte Teil – Kommunismus und Stalinismus), Herausgeber: König, V. und Abosch, H., Rogner und Bernhard, München, ISBN 10:3807700161, 1975. 
Short summary
This contribution would like to give an introduction to the anthropologically and phenomenologically founded philosophy of corporeality, which can be connected to human geography, in order to enable a deeper understanding of our human-environment relationship. That is, because Phenomenology and Philosophical Anthropology are still marginal in human geography as a source of knowledge of spatial-social facts.
Theme issue