Articles | Volume 79, issue 4
Standard article
23 Oct 2024
Standard article |  | 23 Oct 2024

Oral history in geographischer Forschung: Emotionen und Verlust in Erfahrungsgeschichten ehemaliger Werftarbeiter:innen erforschen

Nora Mariella Küttel

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Suspended in time? Peripheralised and “left behind” places in Germany
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Cited articles

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Alderman, D. H.: A Street Fit for a King: Naming Places and Commemoration in the American South, The Professional Geographer, 52, 672–684,, 2000. 
Alderman, D. H.: Street names and the scaling of memory: the politics of commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr within the African American community, Area, 35, 163–173,, 2003. 
Alderman, D. H., Brasher, J. P., und Dwyer, O. J.: Memorials and Monuments, in: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Herausgeber:innen: Kobayashi, A., Elsevier, 39–47,, 2020. 
Alheit, P. und Dausien, B.: Arbeiterbiographien: Zur thematischen Relevanz der Arbeit in proletarischen Lebensgeschichten. Eine exemplarische Untersuchung im Rahmen der “biographischen Methode,” 3., leicht überarb. Aufl., Universität Bremen, Bremen, ISBN 978-3-88722-226-0, 1991. 
Short summary
This article explores people's narratives about changing shipyard work in East Germany since 1989. The shipyard serves as a central place where loss, emotions and memory condense. Using oral history interviews with former workers, it delves into their experiences and emotions about (the fear of) losing their jobs. This sheds light on how transformations affect people emotionally, highlighting oral history's role in capturing personal experiences in geographic research.